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本节书摘来异步社区《Java 2D游戏编程入门》一书中的第2章,第2.3节,作者:【美】Timothy Wright(莱特),更多章节内容可以访问云栖社区“异步社区”公众号查看。
mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)mouseExited(MouseEvent e)mousePressed(MouseEvent e)mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)```这个接口中的两个方法,mouseEntered()和mouseExited(),负责处理鼠标光标移动。另外3个方法用于鼠标按键。就像键盘监听器一样,按下和释放方法会记录鼠标按钮的状态,而点击方法则会被忽略。为了确定按下了哪个鼠标按键,鼠标事件包含了如下的方法:
public int MouseEvent.getButton()`
MouseEvent.NOBUTTON = 0MouseEvent.BUTTON1 = 1MouseEvent.BUTTON2 = 2MouseEvent.BUTTON3 = 3```按键的编号是从1开始而不是从0开始的,0表示没有按键,在引用鼠标按键数组的时候,不需要将按键编号减1。除了这一点小小的差别,鼠标按键和键盘按键的处理方式相同,也包括buttonDown()和buttonDownOnce()方法。还有其他的鼠标状态可供程序使用,例如鼠标指针的位置和状态。和MouseListener接口的mouseEntered()和mouseExited()方法一样,鼠标输入类也实现了MouseMotionListener接口。
mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)`
针对鼠标事件,如果鼠标进入或离开了组件监听,所有这4个方法(进入、退出、拖拽和移动)都会捕获鼠标的位置并通知程序。如下的方法会获取鼠标的当前位置: public Point MouseEvent.getPoint()```当轮询鼠标输入时,会复制这个值并使其可供游戏循环使用。当前的鼠标位置,对于如下的方法来说是可用的:
public Point SimpleMouseInput.getPosition()`
mouseWheelMoved(MouseEvent e)```如下的方法返回了鼠标滚轮的点击。如果这个数值是负值,表示滚轮已经从用户那里移走了。如果这个值是正的,表示滚轮已经朝着用户移动了。
public int MouseWheelEvent.getWheelRotation()`
public int SimpleMouseInput.getNotches()```SimpleMouseInput类的代码如下:
package javagames.util;
import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;public class SimpleMouseInput
implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, MouseWheelListener { private static final int BUTTON_COUNT = 3; private Point mousePos; private Point currentPos; private boolean[] mouse; private int[] polled; private int notches; private int polledNotches; public SimpleMouseInput() { mousePos = new Point( 0, 0 ); currentPos = new Point( 0, 0 ); mouse = new boolean[ BUTTON_COUNT ]; polled = new int[ BUTTON_COUNT ]; } public synchronized void poll() { mousePos = new Point( currentPos ); polledNotches = notches; notches = 0; for( int i = 0; i < mouse.length; ++i ) { if( mouse[i] ) { polled[i]++; } else { polled[i] = 0; } } } public Point getPosition() { return mousePos; } public int getNotches() { return polledNotches; } public boolean buttonDown( int button ) { return polled[ button - 1 ] > 0; } public boolean buttonDownOnce( int button ) { return polled[ button - 1 ] == 1; } public synchronized void mousePressed( MouseEvent e ) { int button = e.getButton() - 1; if( button >= 0 && button < mouse.length ) { mouse[ button ] = true; } } public synchronized void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e ) { int button = e.getButton() - 1; if( button >= 0 && button < mouse.length ) { mouse[ button ] = false; } } public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e ) { // Not needed } public synchronized void mouseEntered( MouseEvent e ) { mouseMoved( e ); } public synchronized void mouseExited( MouseEvent e ) { mouseMoved( e ); } public synchronized void mouseDragged( MouseEvent e ) { mouseMoved( e ); } public synchronized void mouseMoved( MouseEvent e ) { currentPos = e.getPoint(); } public synchronized void mouseWheelMoved( MouseWheelEvent e ) { notches += e.getWheelRotation(); }}`
SimpleMouseExample如图2.2所示,它位于javagames.input包中,为第一个示例添加了很多新的内容。这个示例以主动渲染示例代码为基础,添加了键盘和鼠标输入类;它不仅展示了所有3种类型的鼠标输入,而且也是使用Graphics对象绘制到屏幕的第一个示例。 首先需要注意的是,创建GUI时的方法调用。这些调用添加了KeyboardInput和Simple MouseInput作为组件的监听器。注意,尽管给JFrame和Canvas都添加了键盘,但是只给Canvas添加了鼠标。当应用程序初次启动时,如果没有给JFrame添加键盘事件的话,它不会处理键盘事件。一旦画布对象接受到焦点,它将会接受键盘输入,但在画布被选中之前,都只有JFrame接受键盘输入。在游戏循环中,添加了如下的方法调用:
public void processInput()```在这个方法中,对键盘和鼠标都进行了轮询,以确保它们的数据可用。当初次按下鼠标按键时,会设置绘制标志。对于保持鼠标按键按下的每一帧,都会向该行的数据结构添加一个新的点。当按键释放的时候,该标志被清除,并且向列表添加一个空的对象,标志该行的结束。通过这种方式,该数据结构可以同时保存所有的行。当按下C键的时候,该行从数据结构中清除。如果用户缺乏绘画技巧的话(就像我一样),这会允许他们重新开始。渲染方法也有新的代码加入。除了显示帧速率,还给出了使用该应用程序的说明,并把当前鼠标的位置显示为字符串。鼠标滚轮用来选择一个颜色索引。如下的代码使用模除运算符和绝对值来保证索引是一个有效值,无论所获取的索引有多大或多小。
// SimpleMouseExample.java
colorIndex += mouse.getNotches();Color color = COLORS[ Math.abs( colorIndex % COLORS.length ) ];g.setColor( color );`
%操作符将会保证值在(–3, 3)之间。因为对一个负值进行模除运算,会得到0或者一个负值,所以使用绝对值来保证数组索引位于(0, size –1)之间。 最后,绘制了线条。由于在数据结构中插入了空的值,我们添加了代码以确保没有点为空的时候才绘制线条。
package javagames.input;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.awt.image.*;import java.util.*;import javagames.util.*;import javax.swing.*;public class SimpleMouseExample extends JFrame implements Runnable { private FrameRate frameRate; private BufferStrategy bs; private volatile boolean running; private Thread gameThread; private SimpleMouseInput mouse; private KeyboardInput keyboard; private ArrayListlines = new ArrayList (); private boolean drawingLine; private Color[] COLORS = { Color.RED, Color.GREEN, Color.YELLOW, Color.BLUE }; private int colorIndex; public SimpleMouseExample() { frameRate = new FrameRate(); } protected void createAndShowGUI() { Canvas canvas = new Canvas(); canvas.setSize( 640, 480 ); canvas.setBackground( Color.BLACK ); canvas.setIgnoreRepaint( true ); getContentPane().add( canvas ); setTitle( "Simple Mouse Example" ); setIgnoreRepaint( true ); pack(); // Add key listeners keyboard = new KeyboardInput(); canvas.addKeyListener( keyboard ); // Add mouse listeners mouse = new SimpleMouseInput(); canvas.addMouseListener( mouse ); canvas.addMouseMotionListener( mouse ); canvas.addMouseWheelListener( mouse ); setVisible( true ); canvas.createBufferStrategy( 2 ); bs = canvas.getBufferStrategy(); canvas.requestFocus(); gameThread = new Thread( this ); gameThread.start(); } public void run() { running = true; frameRate.initialize(); while( running ) { gameLoop(); } } private void gameLoop() { processInput(); renderFrame(); sleep( 10L ); } private void renderFrame() { do { do { Graphics g = null; try { g = bs.getDrawGraphics(); g.clearRect( 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight() ); render( g ); } finally { if( g != null ) { g.dispose(); } } } while( bs.contentsRestored() ); bs.show(); } while( bs.contentsLost() ); } private void sleep( long sleep ) { try { Thread.sleep( sleep ); } catch( InterruptedException ex ) { } } private void processInput() { keyboard.poll(); mouse.poll(); if( keyboard.keyDownOnce( KeyEvent.VK_SPACE ) ) { System.out.println("VK_SPACE"); } // if button is pressed for first time, // start drawing lines if( mouse.buttonDownOnce( MouseEvent.BUTTON1 ) ) { drawingLine = true; } // if the button is down, add line point if( mouse.buttonDown( MouseEvent.BUTTON1 ) ) { lines.add( mouse.getPosition() ); // if the button is not down but we were drawing, // add a null to break up the lines } else if( drawingLine ) { lines.add( null ); drawingLine = false; } // if ’C’ is down, clear the lines if( keyboard.keyDownOnce( KeyEvent.VK_C ) ) { lines.clear(); } } private void render( Graphics g ) { colorIndex += mouse.getNotches(); Color color = COLORS[ Math.abs( colorIndex % COLORS.length ) ]; g.setColor( color ); frameRate.calculate(); g.drawString( frameRate.getFrameRate(), 30, 30 ); g.drawString( "Use mouse to draw lines", 30, 45 ); g.drawString( "Press C to clear lines", 30, 60 ); g.drawString( "Mouse Wheel cycles colors", 30, 75 ); g.drawString( mouse.getPosition().toString(), 30, 90 ); for( int i = 0; i < lines.size() - 1; ++i ) { Point p1 = lines.get( i ); Point p2 = lines.get( i + 1 ); // Adding a null into the list is used // for breaking up the lines when // there are two or more lines // that are not connected if( !( p1 == null || p2 == null ) ) g.drawLine( p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y ); } } protected void onWindowClosing() { try { running = false; gameThread.join(); } catch( InterruptedException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit( 0 ); } public static void main( String[] args ) { final SimpleMouseExample app = new SimpleMouseExample(); app.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ) { app.onWindowClosing(); } }); SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { app.createAndShowGUI(); } }); }